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Invite and Manage Staff

Learn how to invite other admins and members to help capture and manage leads

Updated over a year ago

Lead Retrieval by Webex Events is designed for collaboration. If you capture a lead, and a team member has a conversation with them later, they can take notes on the lead, and the lead updates for everyone in real time. Sounds great, right? Here's how to invite staff to the app so you can start collaborating!

Invite staff

If you were invited to the app as an admin, you can invite an unlimited number of other team members to collaborate with you!


In the top right corner of the screen, tap Staff, then Invite. Fill in the information, choose whether the invitee will be an admin, and tap Invite.

The process just described on an iOS device.


In the top right corner of the screen, tap the 3 dots, tap Staff, and then tap the + icon in the bottom right corner. Fill in the information, choose whether the invitee will be an admin, and tap Invite.

The process just described on an Android device.

Manage staff

Pending staff or Member type staff have a three-dot icon next to their email address. If the invitation is pending, tap Resend invitation to send a reminder, or tap Delete to cancel the invite. If the person is a Member, tap Make admin to let them invite other staff too, or tap Delete to remove the staff.

πŸ’‘ Keep in mind, when deleting a Member, all of their leads and work (notes, scans, etc.) will be deleted. If you want to make changes to Admins, contact Webex Events using the chat bubble at the bottom of this screen.

Now let's learn how to capture leads.

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